Joana Silva

About the Book

"In 'From Shadow to Light,' Joana Silva embarks on a deeply personal journey of self-discovery, introspection, and emotional growth. This unique narrative blends Silva's candid exploration of her inner world with the interactive guidance of ChatGPT, an AI designed to facilitate deeper self-reflection and understanding.

Through a series of thought-provoking chapters, Silva delves into the recesses of her unconscious, unearthing the 'little details' of her life that have shaped her perceptions and experiences. From the formative influences of early childhood memories to the complex challenges of self-image, depression, and the nuances of sexuality, each chapter is a step deeper into the labyrinth of the psyche.

Silva confronts some of life's most profound challenges, including the stark realities of suicide, the lingering impact of loss, and the often-unspoken familial patterns that influence our lives. In a brave and unflinching voice, she breaks taboos and sheds light on the shadows that many struggle with but few dare to articulate.

This book is more than a memoir; it's an invitation to witness a transformative process of turning introspection into revelation. With the aid of ChatGPT's reflective questioning, Silva not only polishes her narrative but also illuminates the path for readers to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery. 'From Shadow to Light' is a testament to the power of facing our innermost selves, embracing our vulnerabilities, and emerging with a deeper understanding of who we are and who we can become.”

Book Cover